December 16, 2022
Reading Time 4 min.

7 Love Languages Caregivers Should Know About

Are you a caregiver looking for ways to better support and show love to the individuals in your care? 

One tool that can be incredibly helpful is knowing the love languages. 

This blog post will explore the seven love languages and why caregivers need to know about them. 

We will also provide some tips and ideas for using these love languages to show support to the individuals in your care. 

Keep reading to learn more!

Why you need to know about love languages

Knowing the seven love languages can be a precious tool as a caregiver. 

By understanding an individual's love language, you can better understand how they express and experience love.

This will also help you come up with new ways to show care and support in a way that is meaningful to them. 

Older generations tend to be better at handling emotions than younger people. And because of this, they may not consider things like love languages a big deal. 

However, it pays to understand our elders without needing them to talk. 

Plus, it also creates a deeper connection between you and your loved ones.

So what are the seven love languages, and how can you use them to your advantage as a caregiver? 

Check it out below. 

The 7 Love Languages

The five love languages are based on the theory and book by Dr. Gary Chapman. 

As a marriage counselor, Dr. Chapman noticed patterns in the couples he was counseling. 

His observations led him to believe that the root of problems between couples comes from misunderstanding each other's needs. 

Thus he came up with the five languages: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. 

However, this data was limited to Dr. Chapman's clientele. And now we know how communicating love can be complicated. 

In recent years, Truity conducted research where they gathered data from more than 500,000 people. 

Their goal was to see if Chapman's theory still rings true regarding what modern love is all about. 

So what did they find? There are seven, instead of five, love languages available. 


People who prioritize activity as a love language feel special when you take a particular interest in their hobbies and interests. 

It's about quality time for them, not just about being together. 

Seniors with activity as their love language tend to share more about themselves when they do what they're passionate about. 

Whether it's cooking, crafting, or gardening, they will surely appreciate it if you enjoy these activities with them.


These people love hearing praise and compliments. 

For them, words are far more important than deeds. 

However, they don't always go for flowery thoughts. They want you to pay attention to their little wins. 

They appreciate it more when you tell them how well they're doing or how far they've improved. 


People with emotional love styles need to connect with people more profoundly. 

They do well with providing support during tough times. 

Emotional love types are great listeners and offer great insights when asked about challenges. 

They feel most loved when they receive support during emotionally challenging or vulnerable times. 


People with a financial love style feel valued when showered with treats and gifts. 

It's not that they're materialistic. It's just that they feel loved when shown thoughtfulness and generosity. 

They like surprises and are excellent at receiving them. They also like being pampered and cared for financially. 


Some people prioritize connections of the mind. 

They feel valued when people ask for their insights and respect their opinion. 

These folks also love it when you include them in deep conversations and thoughtful discussions. 

For them, meeting minds is more valuable than any other gift. 


People with physical love languages are touchy-feely. 

They love physical intimacy, as well as being held by their partner. 

For them, nearness, hugging, hand-holding, and snuggles matter the most. 

They might appreciate good words but also need hugs to feel safe and supported. 


These people love it when you lighten up their load. 

For them, the most you could do is pitch in with the tasks or take over a chore. 

They also appreciate it when you do unexpected things for them. 

Get the trash out for them. Fix the light. Or take the time to buy what's on their grocery list.

Tick something off their long to-do list, and they'll be on cloud 9. 

Do you want to learn more about your or your senior loved one’s love language? Take the test here. 

Final Thoughts 

It may seem like a small thing. But taking the time to learn your senior’s love language can have a big impact on your relationship with them. 

By understanding how they express and receive love, you can build a stronger, more profound connection. 

So watch out for our next blog to learn how you can maximize your senior’s love language. 

That's all for today.

Take care, keep mom safe and have a great day!


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