When I was 30, I became the primary caregiver for my mother for the last 8 weeks of her life. What I learned during that time and since has been invaluable. I will share my knowledge and experience to give you ideas to care for your aging parents. I have a wonderful wife, two daughters (age 3 and 1) and dog.
This blog is going to be a resource for you as you help your parents age in place. I have worked in nearly every setting in health care. This gives me a wealth of experience to help recommend the right course of care at the right time. I have a passion for helping the older generation live at home for as long as possible. Think of your mother who is over 70 and living at home. With some guidance, resources and planning, she can live at home for years longer than if left to chance. You will also get the added benefit of beginning to consider what your needs will be as you age to put yourself in the best position ahead of time.
This blog will provide information for you to help mom (or dad)! Each week, you will see a post written about assisting our aged in some manner to improve their lives. New weekly posts will be available each week by 11 AM Friday.
Over the past three years this blog has given recommendations for when to seek out the help of an MD or Physical Therapist. How to help your parent age in place and decrease the chance of having to move to a nursing home. How and when to get help in the home. What to do when care can no longer be provided in the home. How to handle behaviors which begin to appear with age.
I know you are busy. Caring for an aging parent is a full time job. And when you are not caring for them, worrying about their safety will take the rest of your time. Add on additional responsibilities of work, family, church/volunteering and it is easy to see how stressed we all are.
So I took everything I have written about and a few personal stories and combined it into a step by step guide for navigating the healthcare system and aging in place. All the information is available for free on this blog, but if you don't have time to find the exact post you need at this minute, check out my book: The Accidental Caregiver's Guide.
It can be found on Amazon
This book is going to give you the path forward to help your loved one no matter the situation. From navigating the hospital to rehab. From aging in place to transitioning to the next level of care when home is no longer safe. Follow this guide and the fear of the unknown next step will melt away.
Read the posts and get involved. Join the Facebook group at:
facebook.com/KeepMomSafeAtHome/Let me know if you have any questions related to a post or disagree with something. I’ll respond. Healthy discussion will help us all grow. And make us better caregivers for our loved ones. If you have a specific question related to your situation, please ask! If you have a story to share about the successes and struggles of keeping mom safe at home, ask about a guest blog post. See contact info to reach out.
The goal of this blog is to start a discussion which improves the independently aging of our loved ones. I will provide thoughts and ideas for you to help mom stay safe at home for as long as possible. I want to hear from you when something worked or helped out. I want to know that you are out there reading this and that this blog is making a difference.
Take care, keep mom safe and have a great day!