Table of Contents
We know how much you, as caregivers, give of yourselves. The question is, who comforts you when you are feeling down or not coping well? Hopefully these caregiver quotes are enjoyable and uplifting. They may come in handy when you feel especially drained by caring for your loved one.
It is critical to make time for yourself as the primary caregiver of a loved one. Using humor can change your perspective on a challenging situation and reduce caregiver burnout and stress. Taking a step back and few deep breaths (deep enough so that someone next to you would hear) can help reduce the stress and build the confidence to move forward. As caregivers, we are not at our best when frazzled and thinking about all the things that need to be done. Slow down and take it one step at a time and look for the silver lining in every cloud.
Some funny caregiver quotes that come to mind include:
As a caregiver, self-identification is an essential step towards overcoming various overwhelming responsibilities that your role entails. Are you someone who is tasked to care for a loved one that belongs to one or more of the following categories?
If you said yes to any of these, then you are a special person and responsible caregiver. We need to remember that caregiving is an activity that takes commitment, time, and personal sacrifice. As author Jim Rohn said, "One person caring about another represents life's greatest value."
It may seem intimidating, but the best part is that you are not alone, as there is always someone else going through a very similar journey. We can draw strength from knowing this and connecting with others dealing with similar difficulties. There are many facebook groups for support such as the Caring for Elderly Parents group.
It pays to take note of the following 10 survival tips to help caregivers make it through every day:
Often, we did not ask to be caregivers, but it's something that came our way due to unforeseen circumstances. Millions of people just like you, find themselves caring for chronically ill or aged family members. The role certainly has its peaks and valleys, which is why caregiver appreciation quotes can do a lot to boost your morale no matter how tough it may be to care for a loved one.
Some of you may resonate with a situation where your mom fails to recognize you at all. Times like these can leave you feeling drained.
No doubt, taking on the role of a caregiver can make you feel like you're walking through a maze or jungle with lots of unforeseen twists and turns. If you are a child who is looking after an aged parent or a caregiver by profession, your care and devotion to the individual in need means the world to them. Whether they express it or not.
Mahatma Gandhi had a very nice way of putting it - "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
As a final thought, Maya Angelou, who came up with her own inspirational caregiver quote, put it aptly when she said - "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."
That's all for today.
Take care, keep mom safe and have a great day!