January 29, 2021
Reading Time 4 min.

Adult Day Care Center – How it Makes a Difference

An adult day care center is great for seniors who may benefit from additional activities and the ability to socialize with other elderly individuals in need of company. What is a day care center and will it make a difference in the lives of your loved ones?

You might be caring for an elderly loved one, and the thought of making use of the services of an elderly day care center may appeal to you. In other cases, your loved one lives with you, but you can use a bit of respite to allow you to carry out other activities, errands and go to work.   

Senior day centers are designed for older adults who require assistance with daily activities or an older person who is lonely and isolated. At centers like these, your loved one can socialize with others their age while they receive supervision and assistance.  

It is beneficial for seniors who are not able to structure their own daily activities any longer. They may not function all that well when left alone while everyone else is out and about.   

Adult day care centers also offer caregivers a well-deserved break from 24/7 caring and offer reassurance that the loved one is taken care of properly. 

These centers normally operate from Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Some centers offer extra services at night and over the weekends. 

Man finishing a meal at a table in an adult day care center.

Adult Day Care Options


There are different day programs for adults. Let’s have a look at some of these.  

Dementia Day Care  

These programs for adults offer specialized services for those with cognitive challenges. Activities for seniors in centers like these are well structured and thoroughly supervised to prevent wandering. Reassurance is provided to your loved on that all is ok and they are where they are supposed to be. Often a low stimulus environment with soft lighting and gentle music can help reduced anxiety and agitation.

Social Day Care  

Daycare for elderly focuses on enriching your loved one’s life through engaging social activities geared towards enhancing their knowledge and skills and enhancing their own unique abilities.   

Some of the activities your loved one will enjoy, include:  

  • Tasty snacks and nutritious meals  
  • Local outings  
  • Games such as Bingo for mental stimulation  
  • Variety of creative expression via arts and crafts  
  • Gentle exercise like stretching and chair yoga  
  • Opportunity to enjoy current events and films.  
  • Group sing-a-longs  
  • Musical entertainment  

In addition to offering recreational activities, adult day care centers provide transportation to and from the center. They also offer regular vision screening, blood pressure monitoring, and other health support services.   

Adult Day Health Care  

These are adult daycare facilities that provide occupational, physical, and speech therapy and are staffed with various health professionals. Often these healthcare professionals will work within a social day care to provide for those with the need for therapy. Your loved one will need to be screened to determine need for therapeutic services and may require a referral from their primary care physician depending on state laws and insurance coverage.

Elderly lady waiting for her ride at the adult day care center.

Adult Day Care Center Benefits  

There are several advantages to using a day center for the elderly. Below are some of these:  

  • Adult day care may prevent or delay seniors from having to move to a long-term care facility.   
  • An isolated individual will benefit from socializing with other like-minded persons reducing risk of anxiety and depression.  
  • Supervised activities provided may improve their daily living skills.  
  • Adult daycare will serve as a haven where they will feel well cared for.  
  • Family members or anyone caring for an elderly person will get a much-needed break  

How to Help Your Loved One Adjust to Elderly Care Centers?  

The best way to help them adjust is to have patience, show a lot of love, and understanding during this transition. It is not uncommon for those in need of this type of care to be hesitant or resistant to new experiences and group settings.

Know that it will get easier for them and for you as this becomes part of a normal routine. There will be be challenges initially, but often the time spent at an adult day care center is beneficial and rewarding for both parties.

When deciding on which adult day care center to use, be sure to visit each option in person and speak to staff and observe their interactions with the attendees. It is also important to check references and speak to other families who use the facility.

Some adult day care centers are non-profit, while others are private. Therefore, you have to consider adult day care costs. The average cost is said to be in the region of $65 per day. It depends on where you are located and the services you require, such as special meals and transportation needs. At times these services are covered by insurance, so check with the insurer to determine if coverage is available in your situation.

Where Can You Look for Adult Day Care Services?  

A suggestion is to locate your local adult day services by using the search feature found here. This will provide you with options and relevant contact information for your particular area. A quick google search may also prove fruitful for "Adult day care center near me".

You can also check whether your state offers an adult day program association.   

It truly is a win-win situation as an adult day care center will improve the behavior of the recipient of such services while providing a welcome break to the caregiver.  

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That's all for today.

Take care, keep mom safe and have a great day!


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